A different path.

I did it.

I finally decided to find another hospital. I took the leap I was so afraid to do for so long. Once I started searching for other places to work, the next steps became easier to take. It didn’t take long for a hospital to call me to set up an interview. I have 2 lined up so far, and I am hoping that I would fit in at least one.

I took the plunge because I started to admit to myself how unhappy I am at my current job. Nothing about that place excites me anymore, and every time I have to go to work, i feel myself finding excuses to call in sick. I still do my job to the best of my ability once I am there, but the fulfillment of being a health care worker has long since disappeared. The ambiance has been so toxic that it’s harder to breathe and endure. My coworkers are all just as exhausted and burnt out. I really feel like the time has come to go somewhere else.

Just when I thought that the Covid19 situation has gradually started to get better and just as I am starting to see a sliver of hope, the third wave starts. The curfew was put back into place and cases are going up. All this with the vaccine rollout underway. I just want this to be over. Sadly, not everyone is willing to cooperate and do the steps necessary to combat this pandemic. I can’t really judge them, I understand how frustrating and hair-pulling this has been, and it has been going on for way to long. People just want to live their lives. I’m still hopeful. I pray that the end to this misery is near. In the meantime, let’s try to do our part by following the safety protocols that our respective governments have put in place. It’s easier said than done, but just like any hurdle, we can overcome this.

Published by iamkristiannej

I want to live but I'm too afraid to take the leap.

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